JAA Lifestyle Newsletter for Phase II

ATES: Hello friends as you are seeing on the screen of the video.  In this video we will explain a newsletter of JAA Lifestyle as they have given on his website on the screen.  Important Newsletter; what is in this newsletter, what is the company announcing and what things have been discussed with them.  Today in this video we will know through this newsletter and at the same time we will also share our interview.  With the company and also with you, I request you to stay in this video till the end, so that you can know every single thing as you are watching since last week. You were going through phase one trial period where you were getting to see 123 …10 15 i.e. ads. Here in face two, first of all, the company is speaking to you congratulations.  Thank you and it is very excited that it has done successfully the trial period for Face One. It has completed very well so company is very excited.  For this company is saying thank you to you.  Okay now what’s going to happen in Face Two?  

In face two or you can say that during face 2 of the trail you will start to watch the ads upto 60 ads on your screen per day. This is also for stress testing inside face two.  In the below section of the newsletter the company is telling you that if you have not registered on eehhaaa.com then here is the link and you will also get the link in the description of the video you can register now.  By registering they are telling you that you can watch the ads here.  If you look a little down in the newsletter, then you are being told that 9 million users have been completed in JAA Lifestyle. and it is being told below.  You are not registered automatically on eehhaaa by just registering on the JAA Lifestyle. You need to register manually on eehhaaa.com. How to register on eehhaaa. You will get a separate video link in the description “How to register on Jaa Lifestyle and How to register on Eehaaa”.  How does the ad play?  You will get the entire videos link in the description.  Okay!  Below that is the company’s curd, that means. Yes! it is growing very fast and you are getting all kinds of interesting ads and you are getting ads according to your interest.  Now the company is talking about membership in the last section below. There are two member ships here.  One with 10 Euros and the other free. If you take membership from 10 euros. Then you will get a chance to earn thousand euros And the same company is claiming that.  If you take a free member ship, then you only get 350 Euros.  In the last section, it will complete the face two very successfully. In the last paragraph the company is hoping that you will complete phase 2 trials successfully.

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